Somewhere in Time presents​

The History Lesson

The History Lesson is set in 1860, at a slave cabin on a plantation in Richmond, Virginia. Attorney Frank Turner, who is kidnapped into slavery, chiefly to round out a chamber music quartet, prepares to administer a rigorous test to Hattie, a young, enslaved woman who he has been educating in secret. While she is tested on her knowledge of academia, his will shall be tested on another matter. Can he maintain his ironclad will to suppress his feelings for a woman beneath his station who could jeopardize his plans to escape?

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St. George’s Episcopal Church
905 Princess Anne St., Fredericksburg, VA


Malanna Henderson is a Detroit native, novelist, playwright, songwriter, singer and Zumba enthusiast. She won two first-place awards in one-act playwriting festivals for the drama A Question of Color and comedy, The Eclipse, sponsored by the Tulsa Library and Fredericksburg’s Stage Door Productions, respectively. Between 2018-2020, Malanna wrote and produced a combination of nine plays for Black History and Women’s History Months that were presented at four downtown churches in Fredericksburg. She earned a Liberal Arts degree from the University of Detroit, and later an MFA from the City University of New York. She won first place for her short story This Just In in the 2022 Golden Nib Contest for the Riverside Writers Club, in the fiction category. She holds the office of Vice President of the Riverside Writers Club and occasionally writes articles for local newspapers and magazines. Malanna performed in several plays in community theaters in New York and Fredericksburg. She lives in Spotsylvania with her husband.

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